PDFCrack – A Password Recovery Tool for PDF-files
About PDFCrack
PDFCrack is a GNU/Linux (other POSIX-compatible systems should work too) tool for recovering passwords and content from PDF-files. It is small, command line driven without external dependencies. The application is Open Source (GPL).
- Supports the standard security handler (revision 2, 3 , 4 and 5) on all known PDF-versions
- Supports cracking both owner and user passwords
- Both wordlists and brute forcing the password is supported
- Simple permutations (currently only trying first character as Upper Case)
- Save/Load a running job
- Simple benchmarking
- Optimized search for owner-password when user-password is known
Sept 8, 2020
for the last version, please visit pdfcrack@github.com
add macOS release.
- pdfcrack-v0.19-drawin-amd64.zip
- pdfcrack-v0.19-windows-amd64.zip
- Source code
pdfcrack-0.13-win32(47k)Download(pdfcrack-0.11.zip, 630k)
for source code or other platform version , please visit Pdfcrack Project Page.
this one can get password only, if you want to remove password from PDF document, please use PdfCrypt , qpdf, or mupdf。
Here is a Japanese tutorial,
Donations are welcome,
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